Monthly Archives: December 2019

Towards Christmas and the end of 2019

s, Belmonte, Luz de Tavira


It has been a busy November with the olive harvest, what. And now they rains are with us. This year was a really good for olives. The trees were loaded. I wasn't able to harvest all of the olives on my 0wnand a neighbour's plot because it takes along time especially if you are working alone. I did manage to get about 65 litres of oil in the end. We had three grades of oil 0.5 º , 0.7º amd 0.9º which are measures of the oleic acid in the oil.

The 0.5º was the best quality. Extra virgin gourmet. The 0.7º was extra virgin too. Both were from our own olives and pressed by the Cooperativa Lagar (olive press) at Santa Catarina. The 0.9º was pressed at a different lagar , Alberto Rocha at Santa Catarina. This oil although blended and probably not of from own olives is also good virgin quality and better than the standard stuff you can buy at Portuguese supermarkets.

This season I have had quite a few of olive trees that have appeared magically bearing olives. These are round black olives mainly. A couple are of a more elongated shaped olive. I will prune them and hope for a better crop from these next season. I confess I am dubious if there will any olives next year. The trees usually rest every other year.

Picking Olives, Belmonte, Luz de Tavira

Machine at work

Olive picking is hard work. Even with a machine. But the machine does help. I had one good helper this year. It was a pleasant experience picking olives together.

picking olives, Luz de Tavira, Portugal

Picking olives

I have a a number of guava trees that are growing well. They seem to have fruited a little late this year. But this did not stop me.

guavas, Belnonte, Luz de Tavira, Algarve


Since the guavas are not that good to eat I made some guava cheese (perad). There is still something of a Goan left in me. 🙂 It turned out quite good. A little on the soft side so I cut it up and put the pieces onto paper cups.

guava cheese (perad) nade in Portugal

guava cheese (perad)

I don't think I will be celebrating Christmas but things could change. I will put up some lights if I can find them. In any case this old barrel stove is keeping us warm.

wood burning stove, Juan Panadero No.3

wood burning stove

I use it to boil water which helps cut down on electricity and gas bills. The batteries of my solar system aren't working well. Five years, so they are probably exhausted. Replacing them is a costly affair is not an option at the moment but like I said this could change too. 🙂