Apricots kept us in fruit for three quarters of May. They are all but gone. I did have over 50% loss due to the small black fly. At least I can claim that they are 100% organic even if the conserve in not 100% vegetarian. I really couldn't be bothered to try and scoop out every tiny white maggot. I think there are some who want us to move our dietary intake to insects. This should please them 🙂 . I have also managed to make some juice out of them.

My favas (broadbeans) were planted late but came through. The damp weather in April helped.
Struggling a bit to grow my vegetables, especially the tomatoes and peppers. Trying a few different things which I hope will show better results in a month. The lettuce is growing well in pots.

Finally managed to clear my land with my small machines. "the meadow" was the last area to be done. Bosch rocks! Not to be confused with Wrox who also make decent tools 🙂 I went completely electric.
My middle plums have come early, just a few while my early plums are delayed. One of the two early has almost no fruit this year. It's probably due to the unsettled winter conditions that were had.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

Update 03/06/2024
Primeira batata plantazinha levanta hoje! Sortinho! ** My first potato plant popped up today. I have planted very late but looks like we will have some potatoes. ** Restante de blog aqui https://www.bright-work.co.uk/apricots-2024/