It has been busy of late. A good part of what has been keeping me busy is dealing with the effects of harassment. The most recent was on the night of 1st November and early 2nd November morning. My electricity supply connection column containing my meter was violently pushed over. It was actually lifted out of the ground. The dig marks where the tool went in can be clearly seen. What is even more evident is that they misjudged the level initially and went through the wall breaking the bricks which can be seen in the next photo. My guess is that is was a two man job and they used a tractor with an attachment on the rear. My column is right next to the tarmac road so no tyre marks were left.
There was some heavy rain that night but nothing special. They wanted to make it look like that the post fell down by itself due to erosion. There is no erosion around the post and it has withstood far worse weather for over a decade. It was forcefully uprooted from the ground. Those who did this are evil bastards and are trying to either get rid of us or bring us under their influence. They probably don't like me complaining about the stench of their "special meat" which has become something almost permanent.

I maybe disabled but I am capable. Thankfully the cables did not severe and the meter is undamaged. Someone came and had a look. They cleaned the glass. I am grateful. I am guessing Proteção Civil. I have to re-enforce the column before attempting to raise it or it will break up. The malvados who did that were fully expecting me to do that in a knee jerk reaction. To put me under further pressure they blocked my phone at the time as well. I did not bother reporting this incident to the GNR (police). They wouldn't find anything and it would tie up their resources. I did report the phone being blocked.
Moving on. I didnât pick my olives for to be pressed for oil so they are lost this year. I managed to pick some almonds. Bad weather and harassment kept interrupting the process. I am picking by hand as I find it works best for me. It is slow ofâcourse. We have a lot of wet weather now so I will sell what I have and pick the remainder to keep when the weather improves.

These are the fruits I had at the end of October. Just the one mango :). But it was very good.

I had a decent amount of cherry tomatoes. I grew most along with the young orange and olive trees.
They did very well this way. My other tomatoes were disappointing.
The sun dried tomatoes turned out very well. I made two small bottles. I also made some tomatoes ketchup as I had a lot of cherry tomatoes. Unfortunately one bottle went of due to an improper seal. There was a problem sourcing vacuum seal jars from Spain at the ABC Stores this year.
I had a very good harvest of black plums this year. Just from the one tree I have.

The grapes were also good. Especially the white Donna Maria Branca. They were very sweet for the first time.
I grew some corn along with the young olive trees, mainly. They grew so so. My sweet corn failed. They did not germinate or grow well. I was a bit late. The potatoes failed. I neglected to cover the new growth with soil. And the soil was hard.

The Nashi pears grew well. And looked nice ad ripe. Unfortunately the were almost all infected. I did spray thrice.
Chubbs under the carob tree. So this ls where we are all. Until next time. Thank you for reading! đ